Dealing With Dragons

Dealing with Dragons The Enchanted Forest Chronicles: Book One Written by: Patricia C. Wrede Dealing with Dragons is a childhood favorite of mine. This story has all the stereotypes of the fairy tales- from damsels in distress and knights in shining armor to dragons who takes princess from their homes. Despite all the stereotypes, this story also adds a depth to the princess story. Princess Cimorene is a princess who is anything but the usual lady. She wants to learn how to cook, fence and anything and everything she can. When her parents tell her to become more normal, she runs away to become a dragon's princess. This story is empowering for girls. Just as Cimorene can choose her own destiny, other girls can as well. There are no limits to her future. Patricia Wrede shows readers through a fun fantasy story that prejudices and preconceived notions don't have a place in the world- that people can be anyone they want.