A Princess for the Marine

 A Princess for the Marine

A sweet romantic comedy

Written by: Jess Mastorakos

A Princess for the Marine was a sweet fun romance. A princess trying to forge her own path meets a marine who is trying to take care of his mother and sister. They are both determined in their path. Jess Mastorakos set up Huck's character perfectly in the previous books in the series. His determination in paying off his mom's debt comes through so clearly just the same as his goodness and kindness. This story does have some hallmark plausible deniability as Zara's bodyguards leave her alone as she stays in an unsecured location. I don't mind it though as it makes me contemplate my childhood dreams of being a princess and whether it would be all that it is cracked up to be. 

I do love a great love story. From the meet cutes all the way to finding their happily ever after- this one is just as perfect as the rest!

Purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09DB5XFCH?ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_calw_tkin_2&storeType=ebooks&qid=1635820953&sr=8-1


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