Silent Partner
Silent Partner
A Pine Falls Novel
Written by: Jennifer Peel
Jennifer Peel's novels always hit me right in the feels. This story is all about Kinsley and I relate to her so well. She has such strong feelings of inadequacy that color all of her interactions with everyone and everything. She is such a strong character but she can't see it. She has such great character development as she discovers the strengths she holds and finds her way to forgive those who have hurt her.
This book, just like with three previous stories have such intense moments. Kinsley goes through so much and Brant's troubles don't help any. It is incredible how Jennifer Peel handles all that happens in this story and wraps everything up in this series in such a beautiful way. This story does require you to read the first two in order to understand everything going on in the background. While nothing happens to Kinsley- Brandt is right in the middle of it all. It is important back story to have.
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