Isabelle and Alexander


Isabelle and Alexander

A Proper Romance

Written by: Rebecca Anderson

Isabelle and Alexander started me off thinking that Isabelle and her cousin would end up falling in love because of the closeness of their relationship but it couldn't be more different. As Isabelle and Alexander are married after barely making an acquaintance with each other, their romance has a slow start until a tragedy befalls Alexander. Life as Isabelle knew it was gone- not just the silly, light-hearted life from girlhood but the lonely life she had lead since their marriage. Her character develop is deep and moving as she grows into a woman with depth, willing to do whatever it takes to help her husband-physically and emotionally/spiritually. I relate well to her hardships and growth. Isabelle inspires me to do as she did and take charge of her situation. Nothing would get in her way and she was able to find her happily ever after- nothing, even a disgruntled husband would get in her way. 

While Isabelle goes through a great deal of growth, she always showed a great deal of kindness. Those she worked with, the neighbor with mental disabilities that lived next door, and her disgruntled husband who was coming back from a life-altering injury. Her character never changed, just deepened. While Rebecca Anderson's contemporary romances are some of my favorites- I enjoyed this heavier story. 


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