Billionaire Cowboy's Secret Baby Book 3

 Billionaire Cowboy's Secret Baby

Creek Ranch Book 3

Written by: Audree Snow

This third installment of the Billionaire Cowboy's Secret Baby continued on with the story of the feud of Creek Ranch. While this book did not flow as well with the second book- it introduced new background and information for several of the characters and the town as a whole. I feel like I understand a little more of what is going on but there is still a lot of suspense and mystery as to what will end up happening with the small town of Creek Ranch. 

This is one series I almost wish I could have waited until they all were out so that I don't have to wait until the rest of them are published to find out what happens in the story. There are so many different pieces to the puzzle that I am intrigued and invested to find out what happens. 


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