On the Run

 On the Run

A Guardian Novel

Written by: Traci Hunter Abramson

On the Run is a book that gives crime shows like NCIS, CSI, and Blue Bloods a run for their money. There is action, there is adventure, there is romance, and it all lies within the realms of national security for the United States while being set in a different country. 

This is a great follow-up to Traci Abramson's other guardian novels but works well as a stand-alone novel as well. The plot line is cohesive and the mystery of whodunit lasts until Traci is ready for the big reveal. There are different pieces to different mysteries running all throughout which makes this such a good, intense read. 

All of Traci's books give me the thrill of the chase without scaring me beyond what I can handle. Everything in this story feels so realistic. Traci Hunter Abramson's first hand experience with the intelligence communities shows in her expertise of writing. 


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