Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

The Gents: Book 1

Written by: Sarah M. Eden
Forget Me Not is a heart-wrenching story of forced matrimony, feelings of abandonment, and childhood friends to true romance. I cried, I laughed, and I didn't want the story to end. Julia Cummings is a fiery character with determination to be her own person while Lucas Jonquil is determined to live life as it is meant to be lived. Jonquil has some great ideas but is definitely a dunderhead. Sarah Eden was able to pull me into the story so that I wanted to knock Lucas over the head.

This story is another Sarah success. The highs and lows were entwined as the characters were reunited and found their way in a marriage they didn't want. This was such a perfect story to introduce Mater and her love story along with a new series without overshadowing the beloved Jonquil brothers saga. I foresee myself reading this one again in the future.


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