An Outlaws Novella
Written by: M.C. FrankWith an exciting twist to the traditional Robin Hood fairy-tale, M.C. Frank starts off the story with some melodramatic humor, "So what you’re saying is,” Alis hissed behind them, “that you’re used to being about to die.” “More or less,” Will Scarlet replied, rare laughter in his voice. “The excitement is gone.” before the tone is changed to one of resolve and heroism as the ragtag team of outlaws goes to rob the rich and feed the poor.
This story takes the tale of Robin Hood and provides depth and meaning for the history of the small group of Robin Hood's Merry Men. With Robin who fights the good fight in ways beyond money, a group of friends whose bonds go deeper than blood, and a community whose hearts are battered by the corrupt royals who lord over them this story takes all of the elements of the original and provides meaning in a novella- quite an impressive feat.
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